Friday, January 1, 2010

Colossal Challenge #2

OK, the time is upon us for the Second Colossal Challenge.

WOD #1:
3 Rounds:
- 20 Ring Dips
- 20 Pull-ups
- 20 yards, Walking Lunges (w/ 45 lbs plate overhead)
Rest precisely 30 minutes

WOD #2:
For time:
30 Deadlifts, 275 lbs
Rest precisely 4 hours

WOD #3:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
- 5 Sandbag Squat Cleans, 135 lbs
- 10 Box Jumps, 24"
- 15 Double Unders

Rules & WOD Descriptions
All WODs must be videotaped and unedited footage must be posted to any online video sharing site (YouTube, Vimeo, etc...) no later than MIDNIGHT (Hawai'i Standard Time), Sunday, 3 January 2010.

WOD#1: Required Range of Motion (ROM) - Ring Dips: Full Extension at the top with the elbows locked out, at the bottom the rings must touch the armpit; Pull-ups: at the bottom the shoulders must be all the way open, at the top the chin must be over the top of the bar. Lunges: the weight must be held overhead, and not resting on any other body part, while you are in forward motion, and your trailing knee must kiss the ground on every rep. Video: Ensure each rep completed by the competitor is caught on film from an angle that allows the viewer to clearly see that the ROM is being met. If it isn't on the video, the rep doesn't count! Also, as the major online video sharing sites have a 10 minute cap, if the WOD takes more than 10 minutes, please divide the video up into 2 clips: Part 1 and Part 2. A "missed rep" due to a video cutoff at the transition point from Part 1 to Part 2 will not constitute a DNF.

WOD#2: ROM - Weights must touch the ground at the beginning of every rep and lifted until the kness and hips are open and the shoulders are behind the bar. Video: place the camera to the side and slightly behind the athlete (approximately a 45* angle).

WOD#3: ROM - Sandbag Squat Cleans: The sandbag must start on the floor and end up on either shoulder, you must pass below standard squat depth(the crease of the hip must be below the top of the knee), when standing to the top of the rep ensure that the knees and hips are completely open before dropping the sandbag. You may receive the sandbag in a full squat or power clean the sandbag to the shoulder and then squat. If you are in Hawaii and need a sandbag that is heavy enough, let me know and I'll get you one. Box Jumps: Ensure that the hip opens fully at the end of each rep, this can be done by standing up fully on the top of the box or jumping off. Stepping off the box is allowed. Double Unders: 1 rep is counted when the jump rope passes twice under the feet in 1 jump. Also, as the major online video sharing sites have a 10 minute cap, please divide the video up into 2 clips: Part 1 and Part 2. A "missed rep" due to a video cutoff at the transition point from Part 1 to Part 2 will not constitute a DNF.
The winner of this month's Colossal Challenge will be crowned Colossus and his/her picture will be posted at the top of the column on the right side of this page. Also, they will receive a free CFBF Colossal Challenge Champion T-Shirt.

Post questions, thoughts, WOD results, and links to the videos to comments.


Garrett said...

-Deadlift 3rm 385#
WOD #3
-did 135# BB squat clean
-everything else as RX total 9 rds

zorg said...

I'm a week behind, but it seems I'm catching up... :)

Great program, btw. I enjoy it very much!

CFBF said...

Zorg, you should post your daily results... ;-)

- Alex

zorg said...

Will do!