Monday, June 1, 2009

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Skill Work:
- [3 Position Snatch (High-Hang, Above Knee, Floor) + 1 Overhead Squat] - 70% of Snatch 1RM x 3 Sets
- Snatch - Heavy Single

Back Squat - Set a new 3 Rep Max!
(Use a box and bands if you have them)

Max Rounds in 12 minutes:
- 6 Power Cleans, 155 lbs
- 12 GHD Situps
- 18 Double Unders


Junglizm said...

95# Single Heavy, 3x Fail at 115#

245# Back Squat x3, PR!
Beat my 1RM by 10#, muahaha

3 rounds@115# + 6 Extra Credit Power Cleans. Double Unders ruined my time.

Garrett said...

-3 position snatch 95#
-snatch heavy single 155#

-back squat 3R max 295#

-5RDs as RX (i think, Bri-Bri counted my RDs, I was too busy dying under the 155#)

Garrett said...

Randy, if you're out there, e-mail me at

we made crossfit barbarian shirts with a bahrain twist and we ordered you one. I just need an address so i can send it to you.

prochargedmopar said...

2-pos 140,160,180
cln HP 210,230,230
Press 3x3 140,140,140

3 rounds
SDHP 50#x25
7 Burpees
