Ok, it's time for something new! As we all know, competition is the king of training stimulus, so during the last week of each month, CFBF will be holding an internet challenge. The "prize" is nothing more than bragging rights and having your name posted on the CFBF mainpage with a link to your YouTube or Vimeo account.
Colossal Challenge #1
WOD 1:
Run 1 mile - For Time
Rest precisely 20 minutes
WOD 2:
Overhead Squat - 1 Rep Max
Rest no more than 4 hours
WOD 3:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
- 2 Muscle-ups
- 4 Handstand Pushups
- 8 Kettlebell (or DB) Swings, 2 pood (75-lbs)
Rules & WOD Descriptions
All WODs must be videotaped and unedited footage must be posted to any online video sharing site (YouTube, Vimeo, etc...) no later than MIDNIGHT (Hawai'i Standard Time), Sunday, 29 November 2009.
WOD 1 - Simple: run 1 mile as fast as possible. Since this IS a competition, competitors must complete the distance on a track or treadmill (at 1% incline), or use a GPS device to ensure precise distance. Video: if on the track, do the best you can to show as much of the track as possible and show the watch to the camera with the stopped time upon completion of the run ; treadmill, ensure the "control panel" and the runner are in the frame the entire time; GPS - find a safe place to keep the camera with a view of the start/finish "line," start the camera, show that the GPS device is reset (zero on the timer and distance) go to the line and start the run, upon completion of the run, show the GPS device to the camera, ensuring that the distance travelled and time are clearly visible. Scoring will be determined from the fastest time to the slowest.
WOD 2 - Bar may start in a rack or on the floor; if starting in the rack, the bar must be jerked/pressed from the shoulders (either in front of or behind the neck) into the overhead position. With the bar locked out overhead, squat down until the crease of the hip is below the top of the knee. If there is any question if proper depth was met, then the rep will not count, therefore, make sure you get DEEP! The competitor has as many attempts as needed to reach his/her 1RM and the event is ended when the competitor elects to stop or fails on any particular weight 3 times. Video: ensure the camera is set at an angle that clearly shows the relationship between the hip and the knee - to the side and slightly behind is best. The camera need NOT run during the rest intervals and only video clips of your top 2 successful lifts are required to be submitted. Scoring will be determined by the highest amount of weight lifted in a single attempt down to the lowest weight.
WOD 3 - Required Range of Motion (ROM): MUs - fully open shoulder at the bottom, elbows fully locked out at the top; HSPU - a wall or other vertical support surface may be utilized, at the top the elbows must be fully locked out, at the bottom the forehead MUST touch the ground on each rep; KB swings - when 'bell is overhead, a portion of the ear must be visible in front of the arm when viewed from the side. Video: Ensure each rep completed by the competitor is caught on film from an angle that allows the viewer to clearly see that the ROM is being met. If it isn't on the video, the rep doesn't count! Also, as the major online video sharing sites have a 10 minute cap, please divide the video up into 2 clips, Part 1 and Part 2. A "missed rep" due to a video cutoff at the transition point from Part 1 to Part 2 will not constitute a DNF. Scoring will be determined by the highest number of rounds (and partial rounds in the event of a tie) down to the lowest number of rounds completed within the 20 minute period.
Post questions, thoughts, WOD results, and links to the videos to comments.
I'm totally stoked to part take in next months Super Awesome Extreme CFBF WOD Challenge.
Sorry about this month though dude there is no way I can sustain that many muscle ups in that time frame.
One more thing can we touch our heads to an abmat? I noticed a lot gyms allow their xfitters to do that as their standard.
Finally, are you going to the CFG's this year, either to coach or compete?
I think you'd surprise yourself with the MUs, I did this WOD for the first time shortly after I got my first MU and was able to do OK (6 rounds, IIRC). If that's the only thing holding you back, I think you should give it a go.
As for the HSPU, touching the top of the head to an abmat is typically considered a scale, since the full ROM is head to ground. Maybe to make it more accessible to everyone, I'll do that next month if I choose to do HSPUs again, but since I don't know if people have already done the WODs for this challenge, in the interest of fairness, I can't make that change that this point.
As for the CFG, I'd LOVE to go again, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it...time will tell on that one. But heading back (most likely as a judge again) is one of my goals for 2010.
Again, I think you should go for it! Join in on the fun! The more the merrier!
- Alex
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